Excellence In Dance 2023

Dance City is thrilled to be hosting our annual "Excellence in Dance" 2023 recitals in June at the Conexus Arts Centre. Dance City's recitals have widely been recognized as one of Regina's top performances of the year, and this year is no exception. This is a show like you've never seen before... it includes amazing, breathtaking and adorable routines from all of our performance dancers. 

The dates, times and additional details about our recitals are outlined below:

"Excellence in Dance" Show #1 // Friday, June 9, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
"Excellence in Dance: Tots Edition" // Saturday, June 10, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.
"Excellence in Dance" Show #2 // Saturday, June 10, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

The details of these shows are outlined below:

"Excellence in Dance" Shows #1 & #2
This recital will be for students in Pre-Exam Combo and up, including all Competitive and Pre-Professional classes as well as Progressions Hip Hop and Adult Tap. The show will be the same on both nights. In-studio recital rehearsals will be held June 1 to 7 and the dress rehearsal at the Conexus Arts Centre will be held on Thursday, June 8 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Inters and Seniors only) and Friday, June 9 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Schedules will be posted here on the Recital Portal when they are available! (Don't worry! They'll be posted at least a month ahead of time so that you can block them in your calendars.)

NEW "Excellence in Dance: Tots Edition" Show
New this year we’re extremely excited to introduce a new recital for our Foundations Tots students on Saturday, June 10, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. This recital is for our Foundations students in Toddler Tots, Tiny Tots and Advanced Tiny Tots classes and will feature special performances from dancers in our Competitive, Pre-Professional and Teacher Mentorship Programs. In-studio recital rehearsals will be held June 1 to 7 and the dress rehearsal at the Conexus Arts Centre will be held on Friday, June 9 in the morning. Schedules will be posted here on the Recital Portal when they are available! (Don't worry! They'll be posted at least a month ahead of time so that you can block them in your calendars.)


2022-23 Dance City Recital Digital Download Keepsake // Evening Show

Want to watch this iconic recital over and over again? You're in luck! Our recital is available for digital download that will be delivered to you by email and can be downloaded directly to your computer. The digital download includes all of the dances in the Excellence in Dance 2023 evening show show as well as the special finale act and year-end speeches and awards. You will be notified once the digital downloads have been edited and are ready for you to access.

(+ $5.50 fee)

2022-23 Dance City Recital Digital Download Keepsake // Tots Show

Want to watch this iconic recital over and over again? You're in luck! Our recital is available for digital download that will be delivered to you by email and can be downloaded directly to your computer. The digital download includes all of the dances in the Excellence in Dance 2023: Tots Edition show show. You will be notified once the digital downloads have been edited and are ready for you to access.

(+ $3.30 fee)

2022-23 Dance City Recital Digital Download Keepsake // Both Shows

Want to watch this iconic recital over and over again? You're in luck! Our recital is available for digital download that will be delivered to you by email and can be downloaded directly to your computer. The digital download includes all of the dances in both the 2023 Excellence in Dance: Tots Edition show, the Excellence in Dance 2023 evening show show as well as the special finale act and year-end speeches and awards. You will be notified once the digital downloads have been edited and are ready for you to access.

(+ $8.25 fee)
Total: $0.00


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